645. Gisele begs
© Bruce Goodman 17 July 2015

Gisele lived with Zdenko (they had a baby together) in a grotty old caravan. Zdenko used to beat her up. He didn’t have a job. He sent Gisele out with the baby every day. She had to beg in the street for money.

Gisele sat cross-legged in the street holding her baby. It was illegal to beg, but she sat with a little tin in front of her. Hopefully some kind people would put money in. If she came home penniless, Zdenko would be mad.

She had sat there all morning and hardly any money had been collected. Gisele took to pinching the baby’s bottom. A crying baby always elicited more sympathy. She gathered more money that way. She pinched the baby’s bottom all afternoon and collected enough to go safely home.

Zdenko was pleased. He took the money and went out drinking with his friends.

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