473. Ethel Was Sad
© Bruce Goodman 26 January 2015

Ethel was sad that her husband, Edgar, had passed away. Of course she was, you silly duffer! They had, after all, been married for forty-two years! Of course she was sad. What else could she be?

But what amazed Ethel was the generosity of people. Their kindnesses. Their caring. People phoned. And sent letters and cards and emails. They brought flowers. And home-baked things. One neighbour even brought a huge pot of soup – “for all the visitors you’re going to have on these cold days”.

And it wasn’t just friends. Her children arrived with their children and spouses. And talk! Talk! Talk! Do you remember? Talk! Talk! Talk! Wasn’t it funny when...

Then Ethel had to plan the funeral. With the children. What hymns to have? Who should speak? What to say? Even what to wear? The organising of the cup of tea afterwards.

And... What a lovely funeral, Ethel.

When all was over… When the neighbours had returned to their lives. When her children had gone home. When all had settled. When a few weeks had passed. Ethel got out her pen and writing paper.

Dear Annie and Tom, Thank you so much...
Dear Helen and Roger, Thank you so much...

Over one hundred and twenty-five thank-you letters to write. It took her a month. And for each one, she shed a tear or two.

Ethel was sad that her husband, Edgar, had passed away. Of course she was, you silly duffer! But she couldn’t believe the kindness of people.

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