497. Floral bunch
© Bruce Goodman 19 February 2015

By the time Cassie left school she had saved enough money from summer jobs to start her own florist shop business! She called it Carousel Florist.

It was wonderful! Everyone loved this enterprising seventeen year old. She wasn’t prepared to sit on her behind all day and text messages all the time. She was full of get up and go! And she could arrange the flowers perfectly. She had such a natural talent.

She had a wedding to do! She arranged all the flowers, and then… the wedding was cancelled. Not to worry. She lost a bit of money on the deal, but these things happen.

Then she had a big birthday celebration. Could she do the flowers? Could she what! And then it was cancelled.

Then it was another wedding that was… cancelled.

Today, the premises of Carousel Florist is up for let. Cassie shut shop. She couldn’t survive with all those sudden cancellations. She’d purchased flowers for the occasions and they had gone to waste.

“Good riddance,” said Jenny from A Daisy a Day Florist down the road. “I wasn’t having an upstart little tart compete for my business. After thirty years in the trade, we have our ways!”

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