676. Dora couldn't win
© Bruce Goodman 17 August 2015

When Dora lost her third husband in less than five years, people started to talk. Dora was still in her early thirties. She had three children, all from different husbands. Each husband’s death had been a tragedy. They’d all died young; one from cancer, one in a traffic accident, and one by his own hand.

Her kids would come home from school and say that Sally or Harry or whoever had said that their fathers had been poisoned. Dora would see people in the supermarket point and whisper behind their hands.

There she is! There’s the woman who mysteriously buried three husbands in less than five years.

There was only one thing for it. Dora would move her family to another town. She would start again.

And she did that! It wasn't easy and it wasn't cheap, but she did it! Another house, another school, another group of strangers.

Her kids would come home from school and say that Sally or Harry or whoever had laughed at them because they all looked different from each other and had different fathers. Dora would see people in the supermarket point and whisper behind their hands.

There she is! There’s the solo mother with three kids. She's seen more ceilings than Michelangelo.

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