548. Diet time
© Bruce Goodman 11 April 2015

Vanessa decided the time had come for her to lose weight. Slowly, imperceptibly, her body had been adding a kilogram here, a couple of ounces there. Besides, in a month or two she had been invited to host the pre-dinner cocktails for the city's Shih Tzu Society’s 50th reunion. Diet time!

For a mere $5.90 she purchased a monthly edition of the Healthy Food Guide magazine. It was full of recipes. It even had a planner: every day of the month gave a detailed menu for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and well as a healthy snack suggestion for morning and afternoon tea. It was perfect.

Vanessa planned the first Monday’s Menu:

Breakfast: 2 eggs (scrambled) with half a cup of tofu and red capsicum on 2 slices of grainy bread with sliced tomato and avocado.

Snack: Trim latte and 3 walnuts.

Lunch: Chickpea and cauliflower curry, followed by a trim milk smoothie with banana and passion fruit and ice.

Dinner: Satay wild rice risotto with Sesame Asian greens followed by…

Really! Vanessa had had enough. She picked up the phone and dialled.

“Yes,” she said. “Is that the Employment Agency? I’m going on a diet and I need a butler, a chef, a nurse, and a personal trainer.”

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