338. Fridge art
© Bruce Goodman 13 September 2014

Craig was always painting pictures for his mother.

“I know what it is,” said his mother, “but I want you to describe it to me.”

“That’s a boat in the sea, and that’s a fish, and there’s Daddy in the boat and the sun there.”

“That’s beautiful!” said Craig’s mother, and put it on the fridge door with a magnet.

“Here’s a giraffe,” said Craig, “with a lion and a tiger, helping a beaver to build a dam.”

“That’s beautiful!” said Craig’s mother, and put it on the fridge door with a magnet.

“And this is you, Mummy, cooking dinner in the kitchen and that’s the chicken. Isn’t it funny? It looks like a duck!”

“That’s very funny!” said Craig’s mother. “Thank you!” And put it on the fridge door with a magnet.

“Mummy,” said Craig one day, “why do you hang all my pictures upside down?”

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