362. Gone are the days
© Bruce Goodman 7 October 2014

Great grandmother Maureen had a saying, going way back. Way back. “A gentleman is someone who uses a butter knife when dining alone.”

Trouble was, none of her three great grandchildren knew what a butter knife was.

“Gone are the days,” bemoaned great grandmother Maureen.

Now guess who were coming to stay? Great granddaughters Renée, Elizabeth and Jessie-Mae! All aged seven!

“Why don’t we have a garden party on the lawn and get dressed up?” suggested great grandmother Maureen.

So they cooked and baked, and made wonderful Victorian hats. “I’ll tell you what,” said great grandmother Maureen, “why don’t we make the butter the way they used to?” They did (although great grandmother cheated just a little)! What fun! Then they sat wearing hats on a summer’s afternoon for their garden party.

By the end of the day, not only did they know how to use a butter knife, they could use sugar tongs as well.

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