214. Broken egg shells
© Bruce Goodman 12 May 2014

For his fourth birthday Gregory got lots of presents. Among the presents was an egg cup. Gregory was a fussy eater. Having his own egg cup might encourage him to eat.

Gregory’s mother boiled an egg, put it in the egg cup, and sliced the top off with a knife. Gregory scooped the inside of the egg out and ate it. When he’d finished, he turned the egg shell upside down in the egg cup and said:

“Look Mummy! You’ve forgotten to cut open my egg.”

“Don’t be stupid,” said Gregory’s mother. “You simply turned the shell upside down in the egg cup. Stop playing with your food.”

For his fourth birthday Nicholas got lots of presents. Among the presents was an egg cup. Nicholas was a fussy eater. Having his own egg cup might encourage him to eat.

Nicholas’s mother boiled an egg, put it in the egg cup, and sliced the top off with a knife. Nicholas scooped the inside of the egg out and ate it. When he’d finished, he turned the egg shell upside down in the egg cup and said:

“Look Mummy! You’ve forgotten to cut open my egg.”

“Oh! Look at that! Silly me!” said Nicholas’s mother. She took a knife and hit the empty egg shell. The egg shell fell apart. “Oh you tricked me!” chuckled Nicholas’s mother.

Nicholas laughed and laughed at his clever trick.

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