3136. Conquering a mountain
© Bruce Goodman 6 March 2025

It was the opportunity of a lifetime; so Ross said. He had always dreamed of climbing the mountain; of taking in the air and view; of seeing the breath-taking expanse stretch below him. He had looked up at the mountain all his life. Here was his opportunity to look at the mountain and say, “I’ve climbed to the top of that!”

Six of Ross’s youth group were taking two days to reach the top, and a full day to return. It wasn’t an overly difficult climb, but it was challenging enough. Carting sleeping bags, and tents, and food added to the challenge. And the bit that Ross never told his mother was that his girlfriend was part of the group. Ross thought, “That’s why they call it a hiking party!”

The group set off with a great deal of enthusiasm. They made good progress, making several stops along the way. By late afternoon they set up camp in a clearing. Ross set up his tent. That was when the agony of a tooth abscess began.

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