3126. Antonio decides on a career
© Bruce Goodman 24 February 2025

Antonio was nearing the end of his high school years, and he still hadn’t decided what direction he should take in life. Did he want to be a plumber, a drain layer, a builder, a farmhand? He was not destined for high class academic work. “Be a cabinet maker,” said his father, “you’re good with your hands.” But Antonio was still undecided.

It came as quite a shock to his parents when one day Antonio came home from school and announced that he wanted to be a luthier. “That’s wonderful, dear,” said his mother. “Great job,” said his father. Neither had a clue what a luthier was.

“It’s better than been at a luth end,” said his father. “Whatever it is, I’m sure it’s a pretty luthful skill to have.” (He was always cracking Dad jokes).

They looked it up in the dictionary. A luthier was a repairer and maker of musical instruments that had a sound box and a neck – such as a violin or a guitar.

“It won’t make you rich,” said his father, Mr. Stradivari, “but at least you’ll have a job.”

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