3108. A tasteless party
© Bruce Goodman 6 February 2025

Donna was a social climber, although most would think she hadn’t moved higher than the bottom rung. She decided to organize a little party. She would call it A Tasteless Party. “We will drink from jam jars and spread out newspapers instead of tablecloths. Wear something tasteless, be it clothing or jewellery. It should be a lot of fun.”

Of course Donna had other plans. She would wear something nice – her best jewellery, her best outfit. “Oh,” she would say, “I had such trouble finding something in my wardrobe that was tasteless. In the end I settled on this cheap combination.” How she would shine above the other party-goers.

The guests arrived. Guess what Nora from down the road was wearing. Need this story go on?

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