3020. Hope for grandchildren
© Bruce Goodman 17 June 2024

Vickie and Harold had always planned to have a large family. By “large” one means by contemporary standards; perhaps four. As things turned out they had only the one child. The extroverted Mabel made up for being the only child in the family.

“There’s always grandchildren to look forward to,” declared Harold to Vickie. “Hopefully lots and lots of grandchildren!”

Soon their dream was to be fulfilled. Mabel had met Arnie. Surely a grandchild would soon be on the way!

It wasn’t to happen. “Arnie doesn’t want kids,” said Mabel. “Even though I would like to have a family Arnie says there’s so much more you can do in life if you don’t have kids.”

“Mabel needs a better chance in life than this,” said Harold. That is why he shot Arnie. Below the belt.

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