3016. A horrible, yet not uncommon, story
© Bruce Goodman 11 June 2024

It was a crying shame. Jessica had spent all day making a delightful dessert and when she was bringing it to the table she dropped it. It was a wonderful dessert, full of whipped cream and soft sponge. Benny, her husband, wasn’t too pleased because a week back he had just finished laying carpet. The light coloured carpet would be permanently ruined by the bright red dye Jessica had used in the dessert.

Jessica just stood and stared at the mess she had created on the floor. Benny said something that would be embarrassing to type out. Their three children were most unhappy at not having any dessert; it was after all Ivan’s ninth birthday.

“That takes the cake,” said Benny. “I’ve had enough. I’m leaving the house and I don’t intend to come back. You can’t do anything right. This marriage is over.”

Jessica went into the kitchen and shut the door. Benny continued to sit. The three kids didn’t know what to do.

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