2536. Cat's meal time
© Bruce Goodman 6 October 2022

They’ve given me Chicken Feast Classic pâté out of a tin. It’s for senior cats and I don’t know what makes them think I’m a senior cat. I certainly am not. I refuse to eat it.

They’ve given me instead Gourmet Natural White Chicken Meat out of a tin and it’s meant for kittens. I’m not a baby. I refuse to eat it.

They’ve given me instead some Gourmet Natural Trout & Tuna out of a tin. It’s what they gave me yesterday. I’m sick of it. I refuse to eat it.

They’ve given me instead some Gourmet Natural Wild Salmon & Shrimp out of a tin. What’s it with fish food? It’s much the same as yesterday. I refuse to eat it.

They’ve given me instead some Gourmet Natural Turkey out of a tin. One bite is enough. I’m half starved to death and yet I refuse to eat it.

What’s this? A slice of left-over chicken in the fridge from their meal last night? Now that’s delicious. I’ve already finished it but I want some more. I don’t care if there’s none left. I want some more.

I want some more.
I want some more.
I want some more.
I want some more.

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