2458. Bonnie’s paintings
© Bruce Goodman 15 June 2022

Bonnie was an aspiring artist. She painted. She had little to no talent, but at an artists’ convention she won a chance to have an exhibition at the local gallery.

Bonnie was over the moon. It motivated her to paint even more incomprehensible works of art. By now, the town was plastered with posters advertising the event.

Bonnie had gone along to the gallery – not to supervise – but to excitedly witness the curator and staff hang the exhibits. What a thrill! It was while sitting down to rest her weary feet that Bonnie overheard the curator chatting in the next room.

“Bonnie’s paintings are rarely awful.”

Bonnie was tickled pink! The curator’s standards were astronomically high. Rarely awful! Rarely awful! She glowed as she repeated the phrase out aloud with delight all the way home.

Bonnie’s paintings are rarely awful. Rarely awful! Rarely awful!

At the opening of the exhibition on the Thursday evening the curator was even more effusive. He heartily shook Bonnie’s hand and practically burst with enthusiasm. He said, “Good is not the word.”

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