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Ruler: You know your problem? You can't accept change. It's as simple as that. (S/He ignores the Sages and goes to the crowd) Now I need some volunteers. Volunteers? (Some of the Crowd put their hands up) I need volunteers to implement the changes. (S/He selects) You, you and you. You'll be well paid, but I'm afraid I'll...

Crowd:'ll have to raise the taxes.

Ruler: BUT only fifty-one cents in the dollar. It's the price we must pay as we work towards a full democracy, as we shine the beacon of freedom across these Spartan days and carry the lamp of liberation to the four corners of the globe.

Crowd Member: (calling out as the Crowd leaves) A globe doesn't have corners.

Ruler: (continuing) Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness and view the world through tinted glasses. There is light at the end of every tunnel and every cloud has a silver lining. Time may silver your golden hair but people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. After all, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, and one leg over the fence is better than a poke in the eye. Surely it's better to shake a leg than to see a man about a dog. Let us rattle our dags as we pull together. I promise you that this little pig went to market and this little pig stayed home, and the pig that went to market is now a fat cow and the pig that stayed at home is a couch potato. Beware! Beware of sharks feathering their own nests like wolves in sheep's clothing shedding crocodile tears.

Sages: Hear! Hear!

Ruler: I smell a rat when people open a can of worms and say they're living hand to mouth like a dog's breakfast. Never, I say! Never on a Sunday!

Sages: Hear! Hear!

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