2242. Cultural appreciation
© Bruce Goodman 13 September 2021

There I was going on fifteen years and part of scheme whereby we Portuguese youths get “adopted out” for a year with a family overseas. It is a way of exploring and appreciating other cultures. This is the second time I have been accepted for the scheme. The first time I went to Germany, and the second time I went to the United States; North Dakota to be precise. The American family are very well off, in fact very rich indeed, and have a daughter just two years younger than me. Believe me, she’s an absolute brat.

I’d been in North Dakota a little longer than a month when I was kidnapped and taken away and held in secret. Naturally my parents were out of their tree with worry, and my host family were exceedingly distraught and over time offered my parents monetary compensation for my apparent demise. Of course, money wouldn’t bring me back, but the host family was sparing nothing to show their concern. My parents accepted the money as a way of recognizing the genuine concern shown by the host family.

Now a problem has arisen. For my next adopting out to a foreign family I want to go to Greece, but my parents think we’d get more money if I went to Argentina.

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