2245. Numbers count
© Bruce Goodman 3 October 2021

Lorna wasn’t unintelligent but she was no good at remembering numbers. Her telephone number most of the time remained a mystery to her, as did her street number and zip code. In fact, she lived in one of those towns that simplified things by calling streets by numbers. Lorna never knew which way round things went. Did she live at Number 46 on 81st Street or Number 81 on 46th Street?

Usually she kept such details on her phone, but today was a day when she purposely left the phone at home to recharge.

When Lorna went to the supermarket she discovered that the supermarket chain was having a special nationwide promotion. All she need do was write her address on the back of the receipt and place it in a box. The prize was an electric car! Wouldn’t that be wonderful? Lorna went home and in the ensuing weeks dreamt the impossible: what if I should win the electric car?

Anyway, she didn’t win it. It was won by an Unnamed Woman who lived at Number 46 on 81st Street.

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