2290. Hello! Anybody there?
© Bruce Goodman 30 November 2021

As I walked up my garden path I heard piano music emanating from my living room. I didn’t have a piano so it must be a recording. The problem was, I live alone and there should be no one else in the house. Besides, I would never have left the window open.

I entered my front door and called out a hearty “Hello!” No one answered so I called out again. “Anybody there?” Again no one answered. The piano music continued.

Another strange thing was that I didn’t possess any recordings of piano music. In fact I think it’s a hideous instrument. It clashes and bangs and it’s really a fancy drum that can play tunes.

“Hello! Anybody there?”

I entered the living room and saw no one. I turned off the music player. I had a bit of trouble turning it off because I so rarely use it. There’s that many knobs and buttons and I don’t have a clue what most of them are for. Eventually I found the off switch.

After that I went through every room in the house.

“Hello! Anybody there?”

I found no one. This was all several months ago. Over time I’ve got used to the idea that it happened. It’s a bit of a mystery. It was probably some sort of piano-loving intruder. But then this morning…

As I walked up my garden path I heard piano music emanating from my living room. This time I’m telling the psychiatrist.

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