2127. A perfect day for drying clothes
© Bruce Goodman 15 May 2021

It was a beautiful summer’s day. There was a warm breeze; the type of breeze Erina imagined would be the breeze they had in heaven. It was a perfect day for hanging out the washing to dry. The past week had been wet and Erina didn’t have a clothes dryer. Not that she didn’t want one, but some things are too expensive on a pension. She had a clothes rack in her garage, but the dampness of the week had not been conducive to drying clothes. But today! Perfect! Perfect! Erina threw the lot into the washing machine.

It’s funny how one does things all one’s life, over and over, without realizing that one day you will be doing it for the last time. That was to happen to Erina. Little did she realize that after a life time of hanging out washing this time would be the last.

Her cousin Magdalen had dropped dead while doing the dishes. You see the point? A life time of doing the dishes and not once do you think you’ll one day drop dead while drying the dishes.

Then a niece, Gwen, left her home to go to work. She had left her home in the car at that same time for thirteen years, and then…

So, as you now know, Erina after thousands of times hanging out the washing was doing it for the last time. The last time ever.

After hanging out the washing she went to town to get groceries and a few other things. That evening she checked her lottery ticket. She won! She won!

The next day Erina went out and bought herself a clothes dryer.

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