2154. Stolen car
© Bruce Goodman 13 June 2021

Eva: Goodness gracious! I was just thinking about you Chad, and here I am bumping into you in the street! How’s it going these days?

Chad: Things are going well, thanks Eva. I’m just back from buying a new car. It’s bright red.

Eva: Can we see it from here?

Chad: No. I just parked it around the corner. I should have said, Good Lord! My car has been stolen!

Passing pedestrian Did you hear that Mabel? That poor man has just had his car stolen. You can’t trust to park anywhere in town these days. Crime has gone berserk.

Bystander I: Did you hear that everyone? This guy here has just had his car stolen in broad daylight. It pays to may sure you lock things up securely.

Bystander II: Oh you poor man. Do you live far away? Could I drop you off at home or at the police station?

Chad: The police station is just around the corner. I’ll walk there, but thanks for the kind offer.

Eva: This is what happens when you defund the police. Crime goes up.

Chad: Come along Eva. We’ll walk around the corner to the police station.

Two minutes later…

Chad: Oh my God!

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