2191. Full moon
© Bruce Goodman 24 July 2021

It was a full moon this coming Saturday. Monica knew that Crispin would propose. He was such a dyed-in-the-wool romantic. He loved the full moon, the stars, the night sky. In fact, Monica was so convinced he would propose that she changed her mind three times as to what she would wear.

The day arrived! The evening arrived!

“Let’s not go to a film or a concert tonight,” suggested Crispin. “There’s to be a full moon so let’s go to the park and wander around the duck pond as the moon rises.”

Monica was so glad she had opted to wear sensible shoes instead of the high heels she had initially planned.

Together they sat on a park bench at the duck pond. The moon rose. The evening was as clear as a bell. Monica sighed. It was a heavenly sigh of happiness and expectation. The moon had fully risen.

“Let’s go get a coffee,” suggested Crispin.

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