2211. Two rings and a fish
© Bruce Goodman 13 August 2021

(Day 4 of a week of retelling traditional folktales.)

Flora and Fiona were twins. They both fancied the Handsome Prince. The Handsome Prince felt hounded. They were stalking him.

The Prince came up with an idea (which could be construed as being unusual). He threw two gold rings into the sea.

“The first to find one of the rings I will marry and she will become a princess.”

A commotion followed the announcement. Flora and Fiona practically drowned each other in their hurry to get into the ocean. No ring was found.

“Perhaps a fish swallowed the rings,” suggested the Prince. “A holy mackerel if I’m not mistaken. Or perhaps a big mouthed bass.”

Out came the fishing rods. Months of intense fishing followed. Suddenly…

Fiona caught a fish. It was a mackerel. It was the biggest mackerel the world had ever seen. Fiona was excited. The Handsome Prince was worried.

The fish was opened. Behold!

Just fish guts.

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