2094. A nerve-wracking application
© Bruce Goodman 5 April 2021

There’s no doubt that Laurel was highly qualified for the job. It was the first application Laurel had made after graduating from university. She was nervous, and thrilled to learn she had been short-listed and was to be interviewed.

What to wear for the interview? She could hardly wear her white lab technician’s coat with safety goggles, and hair in netting! She wasn’t exactly going to work today! So she chose to wear sensible shoes, a casual blouse, and tidy slacks.

The man doing the interview was most pleasant. He had carefully looked into Laurel’s CV. He said he was most impressed. The only thing Laurel lacked was experience. That wouldn’t be a bother. One could quickly adapt and learn if one fitted in well with the team.

“Would Laurel mind staying for a while in the waiting room while he mulled over her application and interview?”

Laurel returned to the waiting room. One never knows how things have gone. It is so nerve-wracking.

A woman entered the room. “Sorry,” she said. “Would you mind terribly if I did the vacuuming. It makes such a wretched noise.”

Laurel said she didn’t mind at all, and in fact followed the woman around, lifting the chairs up for the woman to vacuum underneath, and holding up the magazine racks.

“Thanks so much,” said the woman as she left. “You made the job so much easier. I really detest vacuuming.”

“You’re not alone in that,” said Laurel.

Soon the man appeared. “The only concern we had was if you would fit into the team. Other than that you’re perfect for the job. Professor Sally Quaid, the big-time boss, says you’ll fit in fine.”

“But I haven’t met the big-time boss,” said Laurel.

“Oh yes you have,” said the man.

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