1759. My jigger
© Bruce Goodman 12 March 2020

A jigger (also known as a pump trolley, pump car, handcar, kalamazoo, velocipede, or draisine) is a railroad car powered by its passengers.

Honest to goodness, I had no idea when I purchased the kit online to make a jigger that it would come in so handy.

The kit was great; so easy to assemble. The only trouble was getting it to somewhere near a railway line so I could use it and, of course, getting it off the railway line when a train was coming.

But then, as luck would have it, there were several hundred miles of disused and overgrown railway track not far from where I lived. The track went way into the wilderness. I manage to get my jigger onto that line, and over time with a machete cleared the path enough to spend pleasant weekends going up and down the isolated track. In fact, I reckon I cleared about 70 miles of the track.

Along the way there was the occasion ram shackled station. I suppose they were a bit dangerous but they looked safe enough to me. I had no idea who owned all this. I saw only the one person the whole time I was there. I had entered the type of world I liked. For a while I thought I could operate some sort of tourist venture and give jigger rides to paying customers. But with not knowing who owned the railway line, and my liking for solitude, I decided not to pursue the idea.

Later the jigger started to come in handy, because thus far I've managed to dispose of eight bodies in different places along the track. I could never have transported the corpses into hiding without the aid of my jigger. People I knew, and that’s not very many, thought I was nuts getting a jigger kit online. Little did they know. I’ve since painted the jigger in camouflage. I get good money from that lone hitman I once bumped into down the track.

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