1754. A-hunting we will go
© Bruce Goodman 7 March 2020

Ewen was beside himself with excitement. For his birthday his parents had given him a gun. It was the opening of the deer hunting season. Ewen would go with his father as he always did but this time he would have his own gun.

His father had given him lessons in firearm safety, and he’d attended evening courses on safety when hunting.

So off they went on their expedition, as did hundreds of hunters from all over the country! In his excitement Ewen had rummaged through the Christmas decorations and found one of those fun Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer pair of antlers that people sometimes wear on their heads at Christmas time.

A-hunting we will go,
A-hunting we will go
Heigh-ho, the derry-o,
A-hunting we will go.

Ewen and his father didn’t have to go far before there was some action.

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