1740. A tale of a transcriptionist
© Bruce Goodman 22 February 2020

Randolph was quietly excited! He was getting the perfect job. He would never have imagined an opportunity like this would come his way.

For several years he had been a freelance transcriptionist. He worked from home, mainly transcribing medical videos and recordings. But now he was offered a job that would involve so many videos that transcribing them could amount to almost permanent employment. It would make him worry-free as to where the next job was coming from. He had been asked to transcribe a collection of pornographic videos. Imagine that! Getting paid to watch porn all day!

Randolph began the task with a great deal of enthusiasm. The first video took him over four days. He had enormous trouble transcribing all the grunting and oohing that went on. Most of these exclamations he didn’t have a clue how to spell. Basically he made the spelling up.

By the end of the first week he was bored silly. He never wanted to see another pornographic video again in his life. And he still had heaps of videos to transcribe. Weeks dragged on. He had porn coming out his ears. Honestly! It was the most mind-numbing experience of his life. He vowed NEVER! NEVER AGAIN!

And then he was asked to be a voiceover for a new recording of these movies. Yes! Yes! Now that could be interesting!

Randolph was quietly excited! He was getting the perfect job. He would never have imagined an opportunity like this would come his way.

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