1553. They shared a milkshake
© Bruce Goodman 3 July 2019

Marmaduke (one wonders what gets into parents’ heads when they name a son “Marmaduke”, but to each their own) was in a tizzy. Not only was it a stupid name, but “he” was a “she”. The stupid parents had given her a boy’s name because “they liked it” and “wanted a boy”.

Even though she was known as “Mamie”, the name Marmaduke appeared on official documents. The first time she went for a job interview, when she walked into the room everyone said the same thing: We were expected a man.

Now at the age of twenty-two Marmaduke decided to take things into her own hands; she would officially change her name. And that is how she became Jennifer Joy.

Jennifer Joy had barely emerged from the name-changing office when she saw on the street the handsomest man she had ever seen in her entire life. It was one of those lightning strikes that happen mainly in novels. Of course, this is not a novel. His name was Mac. As just-met strangers Jenny and Mac went off together to Burger King for a bite to eat. They got on so well. They even shared a milkshake. Before long they were dating. (I’m telling you this because frequently stories have a sad or surprise ending but there’s nothing wrong with being positive and normal occasionally).

Jenny and Mac were engaged in no time. At the wedding rehearsal Jenny got the surprise of her life. The marriage officiant referred to Mac as “Marmaduke”. It was the name on the official documentation.

“Why didn’t you tell me,” wailed Jennifer Joy. “How can I marry a Marmaduke?”

“I was too embarrassed to tell you, darling. But… Trust me” he whispered, “I have a plan.”

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