1443. Peach stones
© Bruce Goodman 21 October 2018

Ernie read that peach stones contain a compound called amygdalin, which breaks down into hydrogen cyanide when ingested. Hydrogen cyanide is a poison. He went out and bought a big bag of gorgeous peaches.

When the obnoxious kids from next door came over, as they frequently did, he gave them each a peach. “And,” said Ernie, “make sure when you finish eating that you suck on the stone for a good half hour because it’s very healthy.”

So the obnoxious kids from next door ate the peaches and then sucked on the stone for about half an hour. They made awfully loud sucking noises as they sucked. Obnoxious kids do that. It made Ernie really annoyed. The only consolation was that they’d be dead soon enough.

Anyway, they’re still alive. It had no effect whatsoever.

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