1438. Grape harvest
© Bruce Goodman 16 October 2018

Tristram was all of eighteen and he was there to help his uncle pick the grapes in his uncle’s not-particularly huge vineyard. Although it was a not-particularly huge vineyard, it still took a good week to harvest the grapes.

There was a house on the vineyard that was rented out. That was where Mr and Mrs Johnson lived with their daughter, Katie. Tristram thought Katie was rather stunning but she took no notice of him.

It was hard on the back bending over to pick the grapes, and hard on the knees if one crouched. Tristram devised a one-legged stool that he tied around his waist and loins. That way he could stand, move and sit, stand, move and sit, along the rows of vines. He looked like a wasp with a great big proboscis sticking out of his bottom.

Katie came out of the house and saw him. She laughed and laughed and laughed. You’re all invited to their Golden Wedding Anniversary party this coming Saturday.

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