1315. Tidy Mrs Connolly
© Bruce Goodman 28 May 2018

Mrs Connolly’s garden was a picture of tidiness. She was a tidy person. She lived next door to a large cemetery and was delighted that the cemetery was kept so shipshape. It was as if her garden sprawled over quite a few acres with neat rows of stone monuments.

Mrs Connolly liked to wander the cemetery. She knew the graves quite well. In particular, she knew the graves that were visited regularly, and those visited once a year on an anniversary, and those never visited. Most times, especially with the once-a-year visitors, flowers would be left on the graves. Mrs Connolly found it rather moving.

Of course, those who placed flowers every week removed the previous week’s bouquets. The once-a-year visitors’ flowers were often left to wilt.

The inside of Mrs Connolly’s house too, was a picture of tidiness. And always with lots and lots of flowers.

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