1356. Classic Studebaker
© Bruce Goodman 26 July 2018

Eat humble pie, O rest of the world! Roland had just bought a classic Studebaker for a song. It was 60 years old and had been driven only 128 miles. Someone had originally purchased it for their lover; the relationship fell through before the car could be given away, and had sat in the garage of the rejected lover all these years. And now it was Roland’s. And all for a mere 69 thousand!

Rolland ostentatiously drove it to the service station to ostensibly check the air pressure in the tires. Did it draw a crowd? All work stopped. Everyone oohed and ahed. Not a mechanic wielded a spanner.

“I’ll give you 80 thousand for it,” said one mechanic.

“Not on your Nelly,” said Roland. He knew he could put the price up by thousands every time someone made an offer.

So off he drove in his surf-green 1958 Studebaker President, waving farewell to the envious multitude. He drove straight into a truck. The car was a write-off.

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