1349. Seventieth birthday
© Bruce Goodman 17 July 2018

It was Ferdinand’s seventieth birthday coming up. Quite frankly, he was excited about it. His wife had passed on, but he had three sons, and there were three daughters-in-law and seven grandchildren. No doubt they would all come to celebrate his special birthday!

Of course, Ferdinand didn’t say anything – he wanted it a secret, but he wondered what they had planned. He hoped it wouldn’t be too big. Having the family around for a light lunch would be enough. He would open all the presents they gave him (what does one give a seventy year old for his birthday?) and hopefully there’d be a cake to cut after blowing out seventy candles. It doesn’t take much to delight a seventy year old – especially when surrounded by grandchildren.

Anyway, that was last week. He’s still waiting.

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