1228. Lucky to be alive
© Bruce Goodman 25 January 2018

Mandy was walking along very nonchalantly one day. Suddenly, her feet fell off.

“Dear me!” thought Mandy. “What an inconvenience. Thank goodness as a child I learnt to walk on stilts.”

She continued her walk. Suddenly her legs fell off.

“Dear me!” thought Mandy. “What an inconvenience. Thank goodness as a child I learnt to walk on my hands.”

She continued her walk. Suddenly her torso fell off.

“Dear me!” thought Mandy. “What an inconvenience. Thank goodness I am walking on my hands.”

She continued her walk. Suddenly the rest of her body from the neck down fell off.

“Dear me!” thought Mandy. “What an inconvenience. Thank goodness as a child I was told to use my brains.”

She continued her walk. Suddenly her head fell off.

“Great Scott!” thought Mandy. “I’m lucky to be alive. How am I meant to do ordinary things like brush my teeth and eat dinner? How am I meant to get a good night’s sleep and mow the lawn?”

Mandy went home and had a nice cup of tea while she pondered what to do next.

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