1486. Cindy's lemon cheesecake
© Bruce Goodman 3 December 2018

Cindy’s lemon cheesecake was famous all over the county. Whenever there was to be a community function of note – the end of the school year, an established local leaving the area, a wedding or a wake – Cindy’s phone would ring: “Cindy, could you make your lemon cheesecake?”

Cindy was generous to a fault. Of course she would make it. But hadn’t she – so many times, so many numerous times – shared the recipe with almost everyone else in the county? Had they ever thought of making a lemon cheesecake themselves?

Yes they had. But even when they used Cindy’s recipe things never turned out as mouth-watering. Cindy knew it, but then she alone knew that she had shared another recipe and not the one with the magic touch.

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