1290. Melissa's pet python
© Bruce Goodman 22 April 2018

Melissa had a pet python. It was huge. Of course, she was unmarried. The snake kept all men at a distance.

At night Melissa would snuggle up in bed with the pet python wrapped around her. On a warm night the snake would sleep on the floor.

“It curls around me for warmth,” said Melissa. “It’s not going to swallow me!”

Melissa pooh-poohed the idea that it could devour her. “Pooh-pooh,” said Melissa.

“It will kill you one day,” warned Melissa’s mother.

“Pooh-pooh,” said Melissa.

One night Melissa got up in the dark to go the bathroom. She tripped on the python curled up asleep in the corridor. She broke her neck. In the morning there wasn’t much to clean up. Just a pair of slippers.

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