1140. International purchase
© Bruce Goodman 21 September 2017

Kieran received an email saying that his package had left the carrier facility in San Bernardino, California, USA. In fact, if he clicked on a link he could read where his package had already been.

It had left Tampa, Florida, four days earlier and had arrived in Houston, Texas, the following day. From there it had headed to San Bernardino.

Kieran continued to follow his package. From San Bernardino it headed (inexplicably) to the Philadelphia Mail Sorting Facility. From there it had returned to California, but this time to Los Angeles. He then received a further email saying that his package was in transit. In transit! How wonderful! That meant only one thing: the parcel was on a plane leaving Los Angeles and heading for New Zealand. There were no stops in between. It would be a direct flight.

Two days later yet another email arrived. “Your package has arrived in Auckland, New Zealand, and is awaiting clearance from Customs.”

Three days after that the package arrived at Kieran’s house; delivered personally by Courier. By Courier! Now that was service!

Kieran opened his parcel. Of course, he could get a similar pair of socks from the shop down the road, but it was so much more exciting to purchase things internationally.

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