1133. Pronouns-ment
© Bruce Goodman 11 September 2017

Him: So I said I reckon they’d say “We blame you for it”.
Her: Blame me? Why blame me? I’ve nothing to do with it.
Him: No. Blame me. I reckon they’d blame me.
Her: So why did you say blame me if you meant blame you?
Him: I didn’t. I said me all along.
Her: You didn’t. You said me.
Him: I did not. You’re not listening.
Her: It’s you that’s not listening, not me.
Him: Look! All I said was I reckon they’d say “It all your fault.” That’s all.
Her: There you go again. Quite frankly, I’ve had enough. We’re obviously not getting along.
Him: That’s what they’re blaming me for. They said “If the relationship doesn’t work it’ll be your fault.”
Her: My fault?
Him: My fault.
Her: My fault.
Him: My fault.
Her: Well at least we agree on something.

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