1045. Ways and days of compassion
© Bruce Goodman 27 May 2017

What a terrible thing it was when the terrorist’s vehicle ran into and killed 57 people dancing at the market place down near the wharf. People were running everywhere, screaming and shouting.

But it’s amazing how Facebook and Twitter come to the party at each crisis and help out. Here are some examples:

Stunned by the tragic events at the wharf. If you need accommodation for the night, here at Vacation Inn we still have a few vacancies.

Terribly sad news. We offer a 10% discount to anyone who was the wharf when the vehicle ploughed through. We still have a few units unbooked here at the Happy Motel.

Our hearts go out to the families of victims. Need a bite to eat? At Harry’s Burger Bar we’re offering a free coke with every three hot dogs purchased.

Need a coffee after the shocking terrorist attack at the wharf? Who wouldn’t? Come to Willie’s Café on Main Street. We care.

It’s wonderful the way the modern media manages to draw people together in a tragedy. It’s a superb way to bring out the best in people. Who said the days of compassion were gone?

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