1042. Too young to get married
© Bruce Goodman 24 May 2017

The headline said it all, in the opinion of Mrs Angela Fergusson: MINNIE DAVIDSON MARRIES YOUNG.

I’m not at all surprised, said Mrs Angela Fergusson. When she was at school she was a ripe tart, always hanging around boys. It was as if she couldn’t get enough of it even back then, and now she’s gone and got married when she’s barely out of diapers. It disgusts me. It’ll end up in divorce for sure. These days people should wait to get married, not rush into it like they’re mature enough to know what they’re doing. But, oh no, these people have to dash madly in love and run off and buy a wedding dress. Minnie Davidson never had any values, and now she squanders what the rest of us regard as a sacred state to pamper her youthful desires.

If Mrs Angela Fergusson had bothered to read the article she would have noticed that Mr and Mrs Harry YOUNG are both in their thirties and honeymooning in the Seychelles.

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