1070. Swings and roundabouts
© Bruce Goodman 21 June 2017

Ned and Danny had been friends since early school years. Their mothers would take them to the park when they were small and they’d play on the swings. Even when they were a little older, say twelve years, they would get on the swings to see who could fly the highest.

“You shouldn’t be using those swings at your age,” said Danny’s mother. “They are meant for the little kids. You’ll break them and then you’ll pay for it.”

But Ned and Danny kept on swinging.

One day, when they were seventeen, they crossed the park, and Ned said “Let’s?” So they did.

Danny’s swing collapsed and he broke his neck. He’s paralysed from the neck down. He never thought his mother meant he’d have to pay for it that way.

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