1121. A piece of polythene pipe
© Bruce Goodman 25 August 2017

(This is the third of the Science Fiction stories to commemorate Science Fiction Day. Science Fiction Day is celebrated each year on Isaac Asimov's birthday: January 2nd. Ok ok - haven't you heard of a Time Warp?)

It was late in the evening. Gregory watched the alien spacecraft land behind some trees at the back of his property. Seeing alien craft was almost commonplace, although no one had seen an alien itself. It was still exciting though, and mysterious.

There was a knock on Gregory’s door. An old man in a tie and jacket was standing there.

“Good evening,” said Gregory.

“Pipe,” said the old man.

“A pipe to smoke or polythene…” said Gregory.

“Pipe,” said the old man.

Gregory could see that the old man wasn’t what appeared. It was a fancy dress. Even his hands were artificial. There was an alien beneath. Gregory pretended not to notice.

“I think I have bits of polythene pipe in my shed,” said Gregory. “Follow me.”

The right piece of polythene of the right length was found. The old man tried to offer money.

“No charge,” said Gregory, “Look, I know you’re an alien so you don’t have to pretend. You probably need the pipe to fix your spacecraft. Just do one thing: remember me. Remember me.”

And indeed Gregory was remembered! When the aliens took over Earth, Gregory was the only human shot immediately. All others were subjected to a slow and excruciating torture before extermination.

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