2575. Blind date
© Bruce Goodman 15 November 2022

Julia was both nervous and excited. She was off on a blind date. It had been arranged by an apparently reliable dating agency online. They were to meet outside the movie theatre. She vaguely knew what he looked like: a description rather than a photo. Cautionary confidence was one of the mottos of the agency.

She had taken ages preparing. Everything was to be perfect. Who knows? This could be it. As she drove along she felt the contact lens in her right eye get dislodged. It wasn’t a contact lens for seeing; it was to colour her eyes a deep blue. Normally her eyes were a boring grey, but these blue contact lenses really brought her face to light. She had makeup and hair colouring to match. Everything was perfectly co-ordinated. The deep blue eyes looked spectacular against her pitch black hair. If she couldn’t find her dislodged contact, then she couldn’t appear on the date with one blue eye and one grey eye. She would walk straight into the theatre without looking, go to the restroom, and remove the remaining contact. It was better than a double-coloured visage. She would then exit the theatre and seek out her date.

Meantime, Alexander was driving to the theatre. He too was both nervous and excited. It wasn’t often he’d get a weekend that was free like this one. He knew he wouldn’t need to be home until early Monday morning if the occasion demanded it. Let’s hope the movie and date were everything the dating agency had promised.

He found a park fairly close to the theatre, got out, and began the short stroll to the theatre. He couldn’t believe it. This was meant to be his lucky day and he couldn’t get his wedding ring off.

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