2563. Roads gather memories
© Bruce Goodman 3 November 2022

Well of course Madeline you haven’t lived in these parts for long so you don’t have many memories of the place. I’ve lived here for over twenty years, and each little section of the road as we drive along has gathered a memory or two over the years.

For example, see this little bridge? Just ten seconds over the bridge, right here in fact, my car over heated. I had to call for a tow truck and ask for my car to be taken away to get fixed. And while I was waiting for the tow truck the dog jumped out the car window and wandered aimlessly over the highway.

And look! Just over here is where I sat in the car once for over an hour while they cleared the road after an accident. I can still just about picture every weed growing on the side of the road at that time. The wait was interminable and I was desperate to go to the bathroom.

How the road has changed! This used to be nothing much more than a county lane, but look at it now! The land has been divided into housing and the road is overrun with vehicles and street lamps. If I didn’t watch what I was doing it would be so easy to run into a power pole or street lamp or oncoming driver.

And here, right here, just over there was where I once saw a barn burning down. It was spectacular.

Where? You don’t see it? Just directly to my right. See? Just where I’m pointing. Just beyond those trees was the

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