2370. Follow the science; follow me
© Bruce Goodman 1 March 2022

Anton was an exemplary scientist. He had a wonderful reputation. His favourite saying was, “Follow the science; follow me.” People stood in awe of him. Strictly speaking, his speciality was molluscs, but his integrity and expertise spread far and wide.

When he murdered his laboratory assistant for having a contrary opinion, getting rid of her body was easy-peasy. He would dissolve the copse in fuming nitric acid.

It had one unforeseen drawback: it partially dissolved the tub the body was in. The acid seeped out onto the floor and dissolved the linoleum. It then began to gnaw at the wooden floor boards. Rather quickly the acid ran out of steam, but it caused enough damage to the floor for a little bit to drip down into the Science Institute’s Board Room below. It ran onto the top of the mahogany table and burnt quite an obvious scar. Luckily the Board Room was not in use at the time.

Scientist Anton was unfazed. He reported the incident. “You wouldn’t believe what my lab technician did. She tipped fuming nitric acid into a tub and the rest is history. I’m afraid I had to fire her.”

Anton was an exemplary scientist. He had a wonderful reputation. His favourite saying was, “Follow the science; follow me.” People stood in awe of him. Strictly speaking, his speciality was molluscs, but his integrity and expertise spread far and wide.

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