2347. Teacher-Pupil
© Bruce Goodman 5 February 2022

Teacher: And so Class, use the word “rappel” in a sentence. Johnny, you go first.

Johnny: The teacher wanted us to use the word “rappel” in a sentence.

Teacher: Yes, go ahead.

Johnny: I just have.

Teacher: No you didn’t.

Johnny: Yes I did. The teacher wanted us to use the word RAPPEL in a sentence.

Teacher: That’s not what I asked.

Johnny: But it’s what you said.

Teacher: I’ve had enough of this nonsense. For homework tonight say how you feel about Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa.

The next morning Johnny handed the teacher a bunch of flowers.

Teacher: That’s not what I asked.

Johnny: But it’s what you said.

Johnny failed the subject. That was way back. These days Johnny lives a creative, flourishing life. The teacher’s dead. The rest of the class are sitting out life, waiting for it to start happening.

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