17D. Only the dead have seen the end of war
© Bruce Goodman 28 January 2016

(January 2016 was my month for writing Pantoums. This is the last one).

Only the dead have seen the end of war:
Plato said this back in Grecian days.
Not all the brave know what they’re fighting for;
If they knew they’d weigh the cause to stay.

Plato said this back in Grecian days:
Courage is knowing what not to fear.
If they knew they’d weigh the cause to stay;
A soldier’s in the Front because he’s there.

Courage is knowing what not to fear.
Plan B says turn around and run.
A soldier’s in the Front because he’s there;
Turn round and run and get shrapnel in your bum.

Plan B says turn around and run.
The world will brand you as a cream puff.
Turn round and run and get shrapnel in your bum;
Be pooh-poohed by those who never give a stuff.

The world will brand you as a cream puff.
Not all the brave know what they’re fighting for;
Be pooh-poohed by those who never give a stuff.
Only the dead have seen the end of war.

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