10. I heard the thrush sing
© Bruce Goodman 1 June 2015

I heard the thrush sing
Gold on thorn
Gold on thorn
Tra-la-le-lay de-triddle-dwiddle-tay,
Lonesome in the morning.

I saw a lady love
Fly to thorn
Fly to thorn
Tra-la-le-lay de-triddle-dwiddle-tay,
Charming in the morning.

A nest was sturdy made
Safe in thorn
Safe in thorn
Tra-la-le-lay de-triddle-dwiddle-tay,
Homely in the morning.

The cat killed lady thrush
Dead at thorn
Dead at thorn
Tra-la-le-lay de-triddle-dwiddle-tay,
Swiftly in the morning.

I heard the thrush sing
Gold on thorn
Gold on thorn
Tra-la-le-lay de-triddle-dwiddle-tay,
Lonesome in the morning.

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