2224. Write great in twenty minutes © Bruce Goodman 26 August 2021 |
Something caught Clifford’s eye on the computer screen while he was doodling away the hours on search engines. It was simply a link that said: Click here to learn how to become a great writer. Clifford clicked. Do you wish to write a novel, a play, a poem, a flash fiction, a short story… Clifford clicked the flash fiction link. Do you work on a tablet, a phone, a computer… Clifford clicked the computer link. Are you interested in cooking, romance, western, science fiction, fantasy… Clifford clicked the romance link. Gradually, with one click after another and a good twenty minutes of clicking, the Writing Website was satisfied that there was enough information to proceed. Congratulations! You are ideal to undertake our online writing course! Do you intend to pay by credit card, bank transfer, or Paypal? Back to Index Next Story Previous Story |