North Marston

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From an old description of North Marston: The parish of North Marston covers an area of 1983 acres, of which the greater part (1771 acres) is permanent grass and only some 68 acres arable. The land varies from 334 ft. above the ordnance datum in the north of the parish to 452 ft. in the south-east, where the hills average 400 ft. in height. The soil is loam and clay, the subsoil clay, and the chief crops are wheat and beans. The village in the centre of the parish is nearly 1 mile in length. A fire is said to have destroyed many houses in 'the High Street' in 1700; nevertheless, there still remain a number of old cottages and small houses, mostly of half-timber with brick fillings and thatched or tiled roofs. A few retain their wattle and daub fillings.

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